Thursday 13 September 2007

Short, Sharp, Shock!

They are here!

Not the martians or the aliens from planet Zorg - at least I don't think so!

Tony and Helen Whitton have now taken over OTBM as the Managers! Phew! At long last we have some muscle behind the organisation! Tony and Helen have vast amounts of experience working in developing countries and will now be organising and managing our mission personnel around the world and our Short Term Teams going out each year.

By the way, if you need a short sharp shock to get your Christianity back on track with God, go on a Short Team Mission Trip!

We have five teams going out in 2008 - to Kenya, Honduras and India - all three weeks in the summer and involving practical work and culturally sensitive mission.

Check our website for details.

Welcome Tony and Helen:

More details? Here is their address:

213, Ebberns Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9RD United Kingdom
01442 268719

And me? I'm off to make a cup of tea!

Steve Flashman
"The last 12 months have been like a day at Alton Towers for us here at OTBM!

It's been an exciting year of change, taking on board new challenges and seeing our family grow. Steve is now holding down 3 jobs to make ends meet! His marketing consultancy work continues in London with a construction company, he is Minister of Immanuel Church in Chichester which involved a lot of preaching and pastoral work AND OTBM continues to grow apace. Sarah is equally busy, studying theology through St John's Nottingham, sharing with Steve as Minister at Immanuel and sharing the OTBM responsibilities. All this, with family life, makes for a great ride!

FABULOUS NEWS! In September, our good friends Tony and Helen Whitton will be joining OTBM to Manage the work for us. This will be a UK based management role but will involve field trips to potential project locations, raising the profile of OTBM in the UK and taking care of the numerous administrative duties involved in running a mission. They are currently in Kenya looking at potential projects for 2008. Please pray for them as they get ready to join us, that God will provide the finances and practical help they need over the next few weeks and months.


Break Out Of The Box!

We have proved the point over and over again!

The problem with Western Christianity is that it’s too cosy; too compromised; and too confused. An over-statement! Yes, I know.We are desperate for our people to be enthused with the Gospel - but we live so often on the back of failure. The Decade of Evangelism didn’t work; all the Surveys tell us the church is dying; the media continually reinforces this image; and once again we struggle to find a way through the complex issues of cultural relevancy without compromising our faith.

And we anguish over how to communicate timeless Christian truth without adding to the conflicting messages.We need to rediscover our integrity as a church but this can only be achieved when we understand who God is; where God is; and what God is doing in the 21st Century.It’s often our comfortable environment that shields us from any real God shaped encounter. But move out of your comfort zones and the whole of life can suddenly take on a completely different perspective.Faith is stretched, lifestyles are challenged; vision for world mission is stimulated; our place in God’s scheme of things is clarified and our gifts & abilities are triggered into practical action!

A tall order? An impossible dream?Not if we are prepared to break out of the box!"

Happy Days!

Steve Flashman

Time To Change Your World!

Dear world,

Now I have three jobs alongside my rock 'n roll career! Vicar - well Baptist Minister really, but I am Minister of Immanuel Church in Chichester which is working in partnership with the Anglican Church of St Paul's. I'm also running the charity, On The Box Mission and in my spare time continue to pursue my career as a marketing consultant at Hilife Construction Company in Caterham, Surrey - SE of London.OTBM is well and truly up and running - we have several people serving full time with us in Honduras and the Philippines with others in the pipeline. We are involved in working with street children in Manila and the setting up and running of an orphanage for the children of AIDS victims in Choluteca, Honduras.We are also looking for volunteers of all ages and backgrounds to join our short term 3 week teams to Ecuador, Kenya, India, Nepal and Uganda in August 2007.

More to come!

Revd Steve Flashman

See our website: 07950 000910Email: